LianHua Pri >> Swiss Cottage Sec >> SP PFP >> SP DIT
My primary school is located near my house, making traveling easy. Back in these days, my English
Language was terrible (Still is). I started failing my English subject at Primary 3, placing me at
the second worst class in the batch. However, I surprisingly managed to pass English for my PSLE and
even meet my expectation for the rest of my subjects, giving me a score of 197. I have the express
stream and the normal academic stream choices for me, but I chose the normal academic stream because
of being in a better school compared to the express one. (2006-2011)
My next chapter started in Swiss Cottage Secondary School. I met a few more amazing friends around
and had fun. During secondary 2,
I managed to do well for my Mathematics and Sciences which gave me the option to take 'O' level subjects
instead of the 'N' level, I took it. We then entered a stressful period which is our 'N' levels and 'O'
levels during our secondary 4 year. Things were tough as the revision given doubles of our previous years
and we have to mug for the exams, and so we took our final exams. As I took my results, I am so glad I am
eligible for the PFP stream as it was my goal in the first place, I scored a total of 9 points for the 'N'
level, after 'O'>'N' conversion. (2012-2015)
Closing another book, I set a new journey in Singapore Polytechnic for the polytechnic foundation
programme. This 1 year pass by so quickly as many memories were made, from goofing around in
class to struggling
together for our assignments. In PFP, we were able to transition ourselves better to year 1 next year, we
mainly honed our presentation skills and the ability to be more independant for our assignments. Not to
mention, we slowly got used to the poly lifestyle in SP with the environment and others. Overall, I did
not regret choosing this opportunity, it was fun meeting new people around campus and bond. (2016-2017)